Beauty Article

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So do any of these anti-aging creams work at all? And what do they do exactly? The answer to if they work or not is yes
no and sort of all rolled into one.

There are literally thousands of different anti-aging creams on the market today. Since women are especially concerned with the effects of age to their skin
most of these anti-aging creams are marketed towards women
but many men have turned to their use as well.

Most of these anti-aging skin products will produce the appearance of reduced wrinkles
which can be noticeable in even just a few weeks of consistent use. However
there aren’t any known anti-aging creams that will actually eliminate wrinkles or otherwise permanently reverse aging effects to your skin.

Anti-aging creams will remove layers of dead skin
and hydrate the lower layers giving them a plumper and fuller look that helps reduced the appearance of wrinkles. The wrinkles are not permanently removed
and will reappear after the discontinued use of the product.

you have to keep applying it everyday and will go through a lot of it quite fast. Since the cost of many of these ant-aging creams is not cheap
maintaining the reduced wrinkle effect they offer can become expensive.

You can achieve a somewhat fuller
plumper skin appearance by using less expensive moisturizers. The only scientifically tested and proven anti-aging cream ingredients are vitamin C and E
as well as Alpha Hydroxy Acid (AHA). These three ingredients are proven to reduce the appearance of wrinkles
but there are likely many other ingredients that will produce similar effects.

Results of any particular product will vary from user to user
and a good strategy would be to try several different brands before settling on one that works best for you.

Anti-aging creams aside
the two most effective things you can do to slow down the appearance of wrinkles is not smoke
and apply sunscreen at the beginning of everyday if you plan on being outside for more than ten minutes. SPF 15 or higher is recommended. As much as you may want a tan
excessive UV exposure is a sure way to bring on wrinkled skin before its time.
read more “Do Any Of These Anti-Aging Creams Work”

Nutritional supplementation has become a must in our society today. With the abundance of processed and nutrient-deficient foods
our bodies require extra support for optimum health.

We have witnessed quite a paradigm shift in the way we see nutrition over the last few decades. The “one size fits all” nutritional supplement is no longer adequate
as we are now becoming more aware of the fact that each individual has different health needs and concerns.

Up until now
we have only been able to customize vitamins and nutrition according to gender
and different lifestyle needs. Well
nutrition has evolved and we are now able to provide personalized nutritional supplementation according to each individual’s DNA.

GeneLink is the first and only nutritional company to provide this kind of advanced technology. They are a 12-year old biotechnology company that has spent the last decade conducting research and studies in the field of nutrition and genetics.

They have discovered 12 DNA snips that are precise indicators of your body’s health at the genetic level. They can determine what you have genetic predispositions for
where your body needs extra support
and what you cannot absorb.

Their ingredients are 80-90% organic
and plant based. They even have unique ingredients that have been found to actually improve the structure and health of your DNA. With over 177
different possible combinations of ingredients
you can be assured that you are getting the most personalized nutrition that has ever been available.

GeneLink has finally decided to take their marketing division live. GeneWize is now the name of their network marketing arm and will launch publicly in August of 2008. Genewize will undoubtedly revolutionize both the nutritional and network marketing industries with a product this cutting-edge and innovative.

The future of nutrition is upon us as we are about to embark on a genetic revolution that will forever improve the quality of our lives and allow us to take care of our bodies at the deepest possible level… at our DNA.
read more “DNA The Future of Nutrition”

We frequently show ourselves through the utilisation of perfumes
and the kind of scent that we use the most to show our own personality is one that is often named our signature fragrance.

What regulates our alternative for our very own signature scent? It depends from person to person
since our bodies have a certain chemical makeup that is unique by itself. It is determined by our own genetic traits as well as by the lifestyle choices that we make. It is also the reason why some scents that we like to smell on others may not smell as good on our own skin.

There is an assumption floating about among biochemical experts that our choice of signature smells depends on which of our four senses โ€“ the sense of smell excluded โ€“ influences our personality. A person can either be sight-dominant
touch-dominant or sound-dominant. Whatever sense drives our personality more also plays a larger role in our choice as to what our signature scent may be.

The Signature Scent for Sight-Dominant People

People who are sight-dominant are very visual. They derive pleasure from the things they see more than anything else
and they often can describe the things they see with vivid accuracy. Such people are often very energetic and full of life.

The signature scent for most sight-dominant people is either floral or fruity. Such a scent gives off a lot of energy
and such energy matches the florid personality of a sight-dominant person more than any other.

The Signature Scent for Taste-Dominant People

Food plays an important role in the lives of taste-dominant people. They do not eat food just for the sake of eating; every bite they take in is chewed slowly and savored for each and every distinguishing taste registered on their tongue. Taste-dominant people are gourmets and epicureans โ€“ they get their pleasure from eating exquisite food. They see food more than just a way to nourish bodies
and neither do they see it as something to be abused. They have a healthy respect for food.

Such people who are taste-dominant often go for signature scents that have a hint of the aroma of food in them. It is not surprising for them to choose to wear perfumes made from vanilla or chocolate
or from fruits like oranges and strawberries. They find such scents delicious.

The Signature Scent of Touch-Dominant People

Touch-dominant people love getting in close contact with other people. Whenever they talk
they often hold the arm or the hand of the person they are talking to just to make sure that they have that personโ€™s attention. They are also creatures of comfort. They love soft things and warm things. Touching silk or velvet with their bare fingers or letting their feet sink in the sand bring so much pleasure to them. More often than not
they also have pets that they adore so much.

Such touch-dominant people are often attracted to the warm scents like musk
sandalwood or amber. Perfumes made from these bases appeal to touch-dominant people because of their innate heat and the intimacy they imply. Soft
warm and comforting scents are the signature scents of touch-dominant people.

The Signature Scent of Sound-Dominant People

People who are sound-dominant tend to love music to a fault. They can recognize the intricacies of rhythm and melody and translate it
just like one would translate a foreign language. They also love to talk
but they love to listen just as much as they love to talk
simply because they like hearing nuances in other peopleโ€™s voices. Such people are also great at mimicking sounds or impersonating the way another person speaks.

The signature scents suited to sound-dominant people are spicy scents or oriental scents
made with not just spices but also with exotic flowers like the lotus or the jasmine. Such a scent has layers upon layers of complexities in it
and it suits a person who can strip away layers from something as complicated as sound.

Each person has a different signature scent. What is yours?
read more “Distinguishing A Womans Integral Signature Perfume Scent”

Now is the time to discover the fun and pleasure of a health/spa and hot spring vacation. An excellent escape from the ordinary
is a Health/ Spa holiday
or a few days at a natural hot spring resort. A health/spa and natural hot spring getaway is a perfect holiday for young and old alike.

Google Maps) Description: a newly-renovated
but full-featured health spa with heated pool
hot tub
weight room
and dancefloor. To complete your health spa experience
sink into a deep Japanese soaking tub prepared with flower blossoms and infused with tropical fragrances. To complete your San Diego health spa experience
sink into a traditional soaking tub prepared with rose petals and infused with tropical fragrances. Therefore there has been a natural growth of bathhouses
spas and health resorts and alternatives to the sauna and lakeside spa. By 2007 the golf course will be complemented by tennis courts
indoor heated lap pool
outdoor recreational pool
sauna and health spa.

For those who are conscientious of health
an interesting and unique party is an at home spa party. At the in home beauty and spa party you recreate a health spa in your own home! Under Georgia law
health spas are required to include a seven-day right to cancel clause in every contract. Georgia law limits health spa contracts to no more than thirty-six (36) months. Health farm breaks and holiday spas and vacations
plus spa weekends and short breaks. If you are considering joining a health spa in order to get into shape
you should take into consideration a number of factors.

Joining a health spa
fitness center
gym or sports club can be a great way to improve your physical condition. An ever-changing lunch menu at the health spa resort features tantalizing delights
from healthy pizzas
sandwiches and even burgers. Breakfast
lunch and dinner feature healthful spa cuisine served in the sunny Fleur-de-lis. All the health spas include the use of all facilities and an excellent buffet lunch. Other health spas focus on outdoor recreational sports such as tennis
golf and swimming.
read more “Discover Fun And Pleasure Health Spa Hot Spring Vacation”

Discolored patches of color on the face that cover the upper lip
cheeks or forehead can make you look bad. What are they and how do they form? Let us find out more about these colored patches or melasma as it is called. This is a problem both for men and women
and not only for women
as it is wrongly believed. Let us find out more so you can stop them.

Skin- Why Do Colored Patches Form?

The color of our skin is because of melanin that is produced by cells called-melanocytes. These melanocytes sometimes get hyper active and produce much more melanin than needed. This activity can be triggered by some phototoxic allergies
hormonal imbalance
pregnancy etc. If you use a product that is photo toxic there are very good possibilities that you will develop melasma. Photo toxic means that the product is safe for use if no sun is present
but will produce allergy as soon as sunrays strike it. Hair dyes are a good example of this. In women during pregnancy and while taking birth control pills
hormones activate the melanocytes in the skin and produce more of melanin-the skin color. You will therefore get the colored patches on the facial skin.

Skin And Sun protection-

Protect your skin from sun as much as possible. The sun is activating factor for melanin. If you protect your skin from sun
you will save lot of damage to skin including keeping these colored patches away.

This article is only for informative purposes. This article is not intended to be a medical advise and it is not a substitute for professional medical advice. Please consult your doctor for your medical concerns. Please follow any tip given in this article only after consulting your doctor. The author is not liable for any outcome or damage resulting from information obtained from this article.
read more “Discolored Patches On Face - Why Do They Form”

We are usually willing to spend lots of money on clothes
traveling and luxuries of life. However
making a trip to the spa and spending money on the treatments available there is something we are rather reluctant to spend money on. The well being of our body is something that has to have a priority in life. So it is actually not a waste spending some money on the treatments in the spa if you are going to get refreshed and rejuvenated after the treatments.

A visit to a spa
even for just an afternoon for a simple massage gives amazing effects to our state of mind. We feel relaxed and happier and can face the hassles of life in a better way. So it is actually worth it making a trip to a spa at least in our lives. However
choosing the right spa for the right treatment proves to be a great task. You have to first have a target to reach for through the treatments in the spa. This is because there are different types of spas that cater to your different needs like relaxation

There are basically four types of spas. The first is the spa that caters to the wellness of the client. This is for people who have an eventful medical history and treatments are vested after discussions with the client’s licensed health care specialists. Most of the people visiting these spas for treatments are persons recovering from operations and people trying to quit smoking or alcohol. Treatments are administered to the patients according to the case.

The second type of spa is those that take the fitness of the client into consideration. They are specially designed for those who want to relax. Activities like aerobics and outdoor sports are provided here for better physical fitness and relaxation for the client. So this spa is better for the person who is more playful at heart. They enjoy this program because of the chance they are given of learning more activities in the spa.

The third type of spa is the holistic spa. The main reason people join this spa is to learn more about spirituality. This is the best place to head to for to learn more about self-realization. There are different meditation techniques taught here and these treatments come from different cultures and beliefs like the Chinese Tai Chi meditation.

The fourth and the more famous spa is the day spa. People who visit these spas are usually the ones who are more beauty-conscious. Making a visit to these spas gives the client an opportunity to beautify themselves and to relax themselves too. There are different types of treatments that are provided in the day spa that help to relax you and beautify you at the same time like mud packs
sauna baths
massages and yoga. In fact
the day spa is the place the bride and bridegroom head for a few days before the great day!

So making a visit to any form of a spa is greatly suggested. You feel withdrawn from the usual monotonous routine here in the spa
and greatly rejuvenated when you leave it!
read more “Different Types Of Spas”

The beautiful gemstone diamond is used in many jewels
including watches. Diamonds embedded in watches is a fairly new innovative use
and one which is much admired for the beauty it provides to the most formal looking hand adornment like a watch. Diamond watches are very popular with both women and men
mainly due to the elegant look without looking too loud.

Diamond watches are available in plenty in the market today
keeping in mind the demand. They are available in various sizes and shapes
from the highly expensive to the decently priced ones. The reason for the huge demand is also because of their prices
which are more affordable now than ever before. A diamond watch is not like pieces of jewelry made for a woman only
and will look equally elegant on both genders.

Diamond watches are made keeping in mind the various activities people involve in. If out on the track
you have a diamond watch that matches the mood. If you are into sports
there are the typical sports diamond watches available. In fact
even in sports watches
you can segregate watches for different sports.

The classic diamond watch never goes out of vogue and is a woman’s favorite for a great evening out. There are several popular brands that are manufacturing diamond watches. Some of these brands that make the classic diamond watch are the big names
and Bulova.

If you think it’s a woman’s prerogative to wear diamonds on her wrist
then you cannot be farther from the truth. The fact is that men are sporting cool looking diamond watches too. The men’s watch line has sophisticated looking watches and the diamonds make them look elegant. Men’s diamond watches are being churned out by these big names as fervently as are the women’s watches. Obviously
men’s diamond watches are surrounded by the aura of masculinity and power
are larger in size
and look totally different from a woman’s diamond watch.

Purchasing a diamond watch is exciting but you end up feeling lost if you are not sure of the quality of the diamonds used in the watch. Do not be under the wrong assumption that the more expensive a diamond watch is
the better the quality of diamonds. It helps to purchase a diamond watch from a reputed dealer. Don’t just look at the brand and buy
it could be one of those duplicate diamond watches. These days
once a brand releases their newest entry into the market
a duplicate comes out claiming to be the original within a matter of days. You need to exercise caution. So
not only the brand but also the dealer’s reputation is important.

Diamond watches are available to match individual personalities and lifestyles
for both women and men. Imagine wearing a beautiful diamond watch to go with an elegant black dress.

Whether you are a woman or a man
you are sure to find a diamond watch to match your personality. These watches give a pep up to your wardrobe. No matter what your budget is
you will find one that fits your budget. Go on and get one for yourself and see what it feels like
feel the excitement of owning one.
read more “Diamond Watches the Brand of Elagance”

A diamond ring is very popular amongst everybody
from the young to old people. Usually people that are buying diamonds for the first time
go in for a ring. A diamond ring adds beauty to the hands of the wearer.

Most people buy diamond rings for engagements or as a gift to a loved one. The bond that a diamond ring creates between two people cannot be denied. A gift of a diamond ring is an expression of love and lifelong commitment and unity.

The person who was behind the invention of the diamond ring was wise in his forethought. I say that because diamond rings have come to be a commodity that generates billions of dollars in sales every year.

Diamond rings come in several designs and shapes
from the intricately designed one to the most simple
depending on your need. The most elegant and the queen amongst all is the solitaire diamond ring. The several styles these come in includes trellis diamond rings
basket diamond rings
and Tiffany classic solitaire diamond rings.

Diamond rings were in existence for thousands of years
especially the wedding rings. There is an interesting story about how this diamond ring came into being. Many years ago
the marriage agreement was documented with inscription on the ring. It was thus seen as a sign of fidelity and as the bonding of two hearts in marriage.

When purchasing a diamond ring
look into the guide to decide if it is the right ring for the occasion. There are engagement rings
pre-engagement rings that are called ‘promise’ rings
wedding rings
and several others for every occasion. Diamond rings are not only worn by the women but also by men. Previously
the standard for a diamond ring was diamonds set in gold
but now they are set in various metals including platinum. These days a set of two diamond rings
one for the woman and one for the man
is in vogue.

A diamond ring is certainly more stylish than a regular gold ring or white gold ring. Here are a few ideas that have been followed for ages
about how to wear a diamond ring. It is fashionable to wear diamond rings on the right hand fingers and this depicts an independent natured woman who is happy with her life. I am sure this is something most women of today would want to follow. Another diamond ring that is in vogue is the four-leaf clover themed ring. This has become the fashion amongst the fashion conscious
because most celebrities wear them when out partying.

Whatever your reason for wanting to buy a diamond ring
know and understand your type of diamond
keeping in mind the occasion. Today
a diamond ring is the trend
and there can be nothing better than a diamond ring
either to please yourself or your loved ones.

Get a diamond for your loved one and see the glint in her eyes that far outshines the glint from the gleaming rings itself.
read more “Diamond Rings Stands the Test of Time”

Diamonds are made up entirely of carbon. Pressure (diamonds can’t form above 100 miles below the earths crust) and temperature (750+ degrees F) are the factors that “change” the diamond from mere carbon into a treasured commodity. After millions of years undergoing this pressure and heat
the rough stones are settled in diamond-bearing rock and from there
wait for a volcanic eruption to bring them to the surface.
Diamond Mining Techniques

Pipe Mining: Primary Source-refers to the process of diamonds emerging to the earth’s surface in host rocks through volcanic pipes
which are pathways between the earth’s mantle and surface.

When an eruption occurs
other materials are carried up along with the magma
or lava. If the eruption originates far enough down in the earths surface
it could contain diamond-bearing rock
usually kimberlite or lamproite.

These eruptions must be extremely forceful and move at high speeds
for if the diamonds remain in the magna for a long period of time
they could burn up if the temperatures or turn to graphite.

From here
they conduct a process called open mining where the surface remnants are inspected for diamonds. Once those are exhausted
large shafts are plunged into the ground next to the volcanic pipes and more diamond-bearing rock is recovered
and taken to a screening plant where the soil is separated from the diamonds.

Diamond Mining
Alluvial Mining: Secondary Source- Refers to the removal of rough diamonds that have been relocated to oceans and riverbeds through erosion.

After an eruption occurs
some of the diamond bearing rock is displaced
often settling in ocean beaches and river beds. To extract this valuable substance
a process of Alluvial Mining is conducted. In order to remove the rock from these areas
the water must be pushed aside to get to the floor of the ocean or river. Usually a wall of mud and stone is constructed. From there
the miners using bulldozers or pumps bring the rock to the surface. It is then taken to a screening plant where the soil and silt can be separated from the rough diamonds.
Rough Diamond Quality

After the rough diamonds are mined
less than 20% are gem-quality
the other 80% have other uses. If not gem–quality
they fall into one of two other categories Near Gem-Quality or Industrial use diamonds.

Gem Quality: Approximately 20% of diamonds mined fall into this category. These are high enough in quality to be used in diamond jewelry. They range in clarity from Flawless to Visible Inclusions.

Near Gem Quality: These fall in a category between gem quality and industrial
so they need to be individually evaluated to determine if they could be used in jewelry in some way or if the quality is just to poor they are used in industrial ways.
They range in clarity from Visible Inclusions to industrial quality.

Industrial Quality: These diamonds are badly included stones and are functional only for industrial use; for example drills and saws or earthmoving equipment. These are categorized as industrial quality clarity.
Mining Facts

* Orapa diamond mine largest diamond mine-located in Bostwana
* Diamonds are a world wide source
mines are found in 25 countries and on all continents except Antarctica.
* Antarctica is thought to have an abundance of diamonds to be mined
but international accords prohibit mining there
* While America is the largest purchaser of diamonds than any other country
the US has only one diamond mine
located in Arkansas
* At least 200 tons of ore needs to be extracted and processed to product a single one carat gem quality diamond
* Only 20% of diamonds mined are gem quality stones

read more “Diamond Mining”

Diamond jewelry is the ultimate fantasy for women and perhaps men too. Kings were known to adorn diamonds in their ornaments
equaling or more than their queens. Diamond jewelry is timeless and can never go out of style.

Diamond is probably one of the most precious stones today and the jewelry made out of this exotic stone is unparalleled. With innovative designs coming into the market
the choice of diamond jewelry is unlimited and caters to all needs. Earlier
it was so expensive that only the aristocrats or the very rich could afford it
but now as with everything else
it is more within reach for the common man too
although it is costlier compared to other gems.

Diamond jewelry comes in all shapes and sizes. There are engagement rings
wedding rings
ear rings
diamonds set in various metals like gold
white gold
and platinum
jewelry combined with other precious gems
and a host of other jewelry.

Diamonds are very valuable
especially the ones that are finely cut. Learning about them helps in giving one the ability to choose when it is time to buy this precious stone. Diamond jewelry is considered to be an investment of a lifetime. To help determine the quality of the diamond jewelry you are buying
you need to understand the four C’s.

The four C’s are the cut
carat weight
and color. These control a diamond’s appearance. The cut of a diamond does not mean the shape. When you hear gemologists say ‘cut’
they are referring to the proportions of the gemstone
like the width
depth and uniformity. These are the characteristics of a diamond that affect the durability and brilliance of a diamond
and this is what people look for when buying diamond jewelry. The clarity of the diamond jewelry means the perfectly clear stones. This flawless stone is very rare to find and when found will be very expensive. But then
when you are buying diamond jewelry
these flaws are not seen with the naked eye unless you use a magnifying glass. Carat weight is the size of the diamond. The diamond jewelry or loose diamonds are priced based on the carat weight. Color of a diamonds are graded from D-Z. The ones from D-F are colorless and from G-J
they are almost colorless. The color is comprehensible to the naked eye only from I or J.

Buying diamond jewelry is one thing and wondering if you bought a good one is another. The above guidelines should help you in deciding whether what you are buying is worth the investment or not.

I know the general notion that diamonds are tough and you can handle your diamond jewelry the way you want. That is not true. You do need to take care of your diamond jewelry for it to last a lifetime. Although diamond is one of the strongest metal on earth
it can still chip with a hard hit. Clean your diamond jewelry with ammonia and water using a very soft brush. Make sure that you don’t discolor the metal. Perspiration
and other cleaners can dull the stones. Store diamond jewelry in velvet pouches to avoid scratching.

Diamond jewelry is the ultimate in adornments and understanding a little about it makes it easier to buy and enjoy it. Jewelry made with this precious gemstone does not compare with anything else and stands out in a crowd. Show off your diamond jewelry and enjoy the feeling of elation.
read more “Diamond Jewelry Has Lasted For Ages”

Diamond is perceived as the most precious of all precious stones and is peerless. It is a woman’s best friend and a symbol of love. It shines and glitters and symbolizes purity and strength.

In ancient times
a diamond was considered to be a sign of magic
and longevity when used
but the saying goes that a diamond is poison when consumed. It was known for its goodness and power to remove all evil. In today’s world
a diamond is regarded as a status symbol
an ornament of beauty worn by the rich and depicts a luxurious lifestyle.

A diamond is forever. You would have heard this. The reason for this saying is because it is the hardest natural material and very difficult to break. It is also a good conductor of heat and a nonconductor of electricity. It is another form of dark carbon.

Time was when diamond jewelry was only seen in royal portraits or in the beautifully designed catalogues and books. Today
sales of diamonds have taken a dramatic upward turn with branded diamond jewelry being available to millions of women. This treasured stone of romance and power has become very popular over the centuries.

A diamond is available in all shapes and colors
in fact more so than other gems. The weight measurement of a diamond is the ‘carat’. The larger the diamond
the more the carat. Big sized diamonds are a rarity and the value increases as the size gets bigger.

Diamond jewelry is the most expensive types of jewelry. Diamond pendants and rings are a craze
especially engagement rings. Diamonds are usually set in gold
white gold
or platinum
the latter being more expensive. The combination of pearls and diamonds is a delight to the eyes.

“The rarest things in the world
next to a spirit of discernment
are diamonds and pearls.”
By ~Jean de la Bruyere

There are several innovative ways that diamonds are being used
which includes imbedding them in watches too. These watches though expensive are a great gift for big occasions for loved ones when you are on the lookout for expensive gifts.

Grading of diamonds is something the one needs to know. The colors are graded from D to Z
with the lesser color being higher in value. Color D is the rarest and is colorless with a blue tinge. Since colors filter light
the reflected light is less than a colorless diamond.

For the sake of some light hearted talk on diamonds
lets delve into some superstitions that were prevalent earlier on. Diamonds that have a red or yellow hue were thought to be good for a king
because they were considered auspicious.
The white hued diamond was said to be perfect for anything religious or spiritual. The yellow hued one was said to be the one for prosperity and success. Black hue was thought to be suitable for those that are in smaller jobs. Women who wanted to give birth to sons were asked to wear a white diamond with a small black hue. It was also stressed that one should never wear a blemished diamond as it brings bad luck to the person wearing it. All these may sound like unbelievable superstitions to the nonbeliever
but these were followed quite strictly earlier. But then if you go to see
even in the modern world
in some countries
many people will not wear a diamond unless they get it checked to see if it is the right one for them.

Interesting facts aren’t they. A diamond has an indescribable aura surrounding it
and it is fascinating to learn about it.
read more “Diamond is Forever and Eternity”

Diamond rings have always fascinated men and women throughout. Such is the beauty of a diamond that makes one feel special just by wearing it. It elevates ones persona and gives the wearer the feeling of being one above everybody else.

With the coming into being of the fashion conscious modern woman
there was need for a change in the designs of rings too. With this in mind
jewelers started modifying the traditional designs to gel with the modern concepts of living. Thus was born the diamond fashion ring. The beauty of diamonds beckoned from the most modern precious metal setting and this proved to be a major attraction in the current day.

Diamond fashion rings come in a variety of designs to match every possible modern outfit and every personality that one can think of. Diamond fashion rings are made in all shapes
from geometrical to square
while the round diamond ring still remains a hot favorite amongst many. It is the combination of the old world with the new world that has brought about a revolution in jewelry and gave birth to the diamond fashion ring.

The four-leaf clover theme diamond fashion ring is in vogue and is seen adorning the elegant fingers of many celebrities. The three stone diamond ring is a representation of the past
present and future. The value of this diamond fashion ring is not only the superficial elegant look
but the beautiful thought that goes with it. It is said that just as the man and woman and bound together in marriage
similarly their past
and future all come together with the wearing of this ring.

Under the diamond fashion rings category falls the ever-fashionable solitaire ring.
They could very well be the best diamond fashion rings. These rings include basket diamond rings and trellis diamond rings too.

Diamond fashion rings come in a variety of metals
aside from gold and silver. They come in titanium and platinum too. They need less maintenance and are lighter than gold and silver
and they are very popular.

Diamond fashion rings are a great way to celebrate special occasions. There are the engagement rings and the wedding rings
which are the most popular
but even a passing out of college is a great occasion that warrants a diamond fashion ring gift.

The new age fashion trends tend to be different and look for occasions to celebrate. You will find the singles ring also for the single men and women. This ring sends a message of being single and looking. There is the unbelievable chameleon like mood ring
which changes colors with the change in our moods. Imagine being envious of someone and the ring turns green.

The diamond fashion rings have taken a life of their own and have a place in everybody’s jewelry box and hearts. They vary in designs from the very simple to the very large and exotic
to suit all types of people. Gift the diamond fashion rings to the your loved ones who are fashion conscious and would like to be at the helm of things. They will love you for it.
read more “Diamond Fashion Rings Are For Both Sexes”

A gift of diamonds is precious and brings a glint to the eyes of the receiver. An exquisite diamond bracelet sparkling on the wrist adds beauty even to the most beautiful woman. Diamond bracelets spell class and there is nothing better than a diamond bracelet to stand out in a crowd.

What makes a diamond bracelet special is the design
and the cut of the stone. All these three factors are very important and should be taken into consideration before getting a diamond bracelet.

Diamond bracelets are in vogue today and they come in all shapes and sizes
from the simple to the outrageous. Tennis bracelets
charm bracelets
bangle bracelets
link bracelets
heart bracelet
chain bracelets
rope bracelets
cuff bracelets
mesh bracelets are some of the varieties of diamond bracelets
the most popular being the tennis bracelets and charm bracelets.

Tennis bracelets are nothing but thin line diamond bracelets
which owe their name to Chris Evert
the tennis star. During a US Open match
she was wearing an in-line thin diamond bracelet and it slipped while playing. The game had to be stopped for a while
as she searched for it. Now they are better known as tennis bracelets and are worn by other tennis players too. The charm diamond bracelets are beautiful as they hang gracefully from the wrist and are noticed by everyone around. The metals used are gold
sterling silver
white gold
rose gold
and titanium.

When looking for a diamond bracelet
you should look for a “GIA certified diamond” sign. GIA is Gemological Institute of America and provides you the assurance that you are getting good quality diamonds. The 4C’s of diamonds are the cut
and carat. Carat is the size of the diamonds. If the diamond bracelet is set with bigger diamonds
the price will be higher. Asking the jeweler to provide with the certification detailing the 4C’s of the diamonds in the bracelet is essential.

It is also important to understand diamond grading. They are graded from D to Z
with D being the rarest diamond. A diamond should be colorless. Light should reflect the brilliance of the diamonds in the bracelet. Diamond bracelets that are guaranteed show no visible color and are genuine.

Diamond bracelets are a perfect gift to give someone you love. There is no need of an occasion to gift a diamond. Diamonds may be expensive but if one can afford them
there is nothing that can compare. When diamonds are arranged with other precious stones like emerald
or ruby
they are even more colorful and beautiful.
read more “Diamond Bracelet -A Fashion Statement Of Today”

The Big Apple is a place where you have to keep on your toes to get ahead. If the pace of life has caused you to lose a little of your luster
there are places you can take a quick timeout.

De-Stress Day Retreats In New York City

Living in New York is hectic. With all the hustle and bustle of living in the world's busiest metropolitan area
you might be in need of a way to relax – and fast! It's not always easy to drop everything and take a week off to regroup. That's why it's a great thing to look into the New York City day retreats that are available for your use. You can have a few hours of relaxation and then go back to your working world
all without ever leaving the comfort of the city.

Juvenex is a New York City institution that touts itself as the most romantic of the New York City retreats. Juvenex combines American
Asian and European rejuvenation and relaxation services to create an experience that will get you back on your feet. Open for just women during the day (6 am to 7pm)
Juvenex also welcomes couples from 7 pm on
making it a great place for those who want to enjoy their experience with their significant others. When the stress of daily life has put a crimp in your relationship
Juvenex is the place to work those knots out.

Juvenex offers packages for their various treatments
such as purification and beautification rituals
as well as packages for couples. The couples packages include romantic massages and soaks in the Private Soaking Tub in Juvenex's celebrity room. It's an experience you won't forget
all while you stay within New York City.

If you're looking for a traditional European experience in European New York City day retreat
why not try Faina European Day Spa. It is located in the heart of New York City. Faina offers many different rejuvenation and relaxation packages
which include such treats as seaweed wraps along with facials
manicures and massages. Also available at Faina are men’s services
perfect for that special guy in your life or the stressed out executive. Treat that man in your life to a special facial
deep tissue massage or reflexology
a perfect gift of a relaxing experience for your Dad
husband or other significant other.

Enjoying New York City day retreats can be as simple as walking a few blocks from your home or place of work. Be sure to book your treatments ahead of time.
read more “De-Stress Day Retreats In New York City”

Destination Spas are a total spa vacation package
with physical fitness facilities and programs
accommodation and spa cusine. You can choose your destination spa vacation by location
type of program
interest or from one of their current promotions. The study also showed that spa travellers like to include elements of destination culture
cuisine and shopping in their vacations. On a destination health spa vacation
guests can feel better than they ever imagined.

Tabacchi But for destination spa visitors
it's a different story
according to a recent survey of vacationers by Mary H. Tabacchi's study is believed to be the first to quantitatively measure the effects of a destination spa vacation. If you visit a destination spa your vacation is aimed at total wellness and the spa is full-service. Paradise Village is the ultimate destination among Puerto Vallarta resorts for family vacations
beach vacations
spa vacations and golf vacations. For the ultimate in vacation relaxation
nothing beats a destination spa!

Discover how rejuvenating and relaxing a Spa vacation package can be. You may also choose a honeymoon vacation package or spa vacation customized especially for you. Continental Airlines Vacations makes it easy to create your own customized spa vacation package in just a few clicks. If you're looking for the ideal spa vacation package
you've just found it! Choose a honeymoon vacation package or spa vacation customized especially for you. A spa vacation package with will do it every time.

Its ventures include the Luxury SpaFinder Magazine and
which helps vacationers find the spa most suited to their needs. Comfort zone: Luxury spas are hot
and for vacationers
money appears to be no object. What else could be better than enjoying a relaxing Caribbean spa vacation aboard one of the finest luxury cruise liners. We look forward to planning a relaxing luxury health spa vacation in South Africa for you and making your dreams a reality! Enjoy a luxury spa vacation with wonderful spa therapies.

We hope that your health spa
weight loss vacation experience is a pleasant one. Find the delight of health spa vacations and treatment products. Beauty
relaxation and health come together for an ideal spa resort vacation in Orlando. Cruises
too There's no reason a health spa vacation has to take place on land.

Plan a spa getaway or some time at a vacation resort. Get practical advice on how to select and plan your spa vacation. Get practical advice on how to select
plan and get the most out of your spa vacation. Either way
you'll return home feeling completely relaxed
and probably wanting to plan your next spa vacation.
read more “Destination Spas Total Spa Vacation Package”

Traditional methods of smile enhancement
like veneers
often have required painful hours in the dentist's chair.

"I have always been worried that we are doing damage
especially on young people
by taking away too much tooth structure
says a North Carolina dentist in a posting on, a popular dental Web site and forum.

Now, with one of the newest developments in cosmetic dentistry, Lumineers by Cerinate, you can dramatically improve your smile immediately and painlessly. There is virtually no maintenance, save for regular brushings, and your new smile will be permanent.

Veneers require the removal of sensitive tooth structure, which necessitates the use of anesthesia and pain medication. However, Lumineers are so thin and strong that they don't require the same invasive drilling and shaving.

Lumineers leave original teeth intact. They are also clinically proven to last up to 20 years.

So when it comes to smile makeovers today, some 7,500 dentists are choosing Lumineers. These contact lens-thin smile enhancers are a great alternative to orthodontics and can be placed over old crowns and bridges.

Dental professionals are so impressed with new developments like Lumineers that they are placing them on their own friends' and loved ones' teeth.

I placed Lumineers on my daughter
reveals another dentist on
I can't wait to do another case."

Lumineers can be made only from Cerinate
an innovative porcelain developed by Den-Mat Corp. They have been lauded in top dental publications
including Dental Products Report
which awarded them a spot in its "Top 10 Products" list.
read more “Dentists Are Smiling Over Painless Veneer Alternative”

In this day and age
more and more people are looking to spend less money on their cars
and of course medical necessities. As such
they have been more meticulous in conducting research prior to shelling out any cash. While such meticulous research is recommended for almost all investments
it is very important that such research be conducted before going to a cosmetic dentist for dental veneers. As many of us know
veneers can easily be a very hefty investment.

Before you step your way into a cosmetic's dentist's office
it helps to know what exactly you want to correct. Many dentists will try to lure you into buying more than what you actually need. In the case of veneers
they will most likely try to convince you to get porcelain veneers - the most expensive veneers money can buy.

Common dental problems including tooth chips or gaps do not require the use of porcelain veneers to get fixed. While porcelain veneers certainly do sound lucrative
they should be used to mask other
more significant dental problems. A simple and cheap composite resin veneer can make you teeth look millions of times better at a reduced cost. Further
composite veneers only require one dental visit to be installed (as they require no lab wait).

If your dental issue requires you to get porcelain veneers
don't be fooled into getting more of your teeth done for a proper blend. A cosmetic dentist can make sure your dental veneers match the existing color of your teeth.

In conclusion
I would likely to caution you to be very careful when going in for a veneer procedure. You can easily be tricked into spending more money than a dental issue warrants. Be careful and enjoy your new smile!
read more “Dental Veneers on the Cheap”

Veneer is a thin covering over something. Embarrassed about your smile? Dental veneer is the ideal means to smile beautifully and improve your self confidence. In this competitive age it is very important for a person to appear presentable. A beautiful pleasant smile goes a long way in enhancing your looks. You never know a simple smile may just do the trick for you.

Any sort of dental defects or problems can be very easily corrected. There are some simple methods which can be employed to correct dental deficiencies. All you need to do is meet your dentist to find out which method is best suited for you. There are different types of restorative and cosmetic dentistry procedures available for you to choose from.

Dental veneer is a thin covering for the outer portion of your teeth. They are used to enhance the appearance
color and shape of your teeth. Dental veneer is ideal for mending chipped
discolored or misaligned teeth. Indulge yourself by going for dental veneer for your teeth and see how it works wonders for you.

The process of using dental veneers on your teeth is rather simple. In this procedure the front portion of the faulty teeth is first of all slightly removed by your dentist. After this custom made veneers are bonded and fixed to that portion of your teeth. The veneer is custom made according to the type of teeth defect a person has. Bonding of the veneer can be done physically as well as chemically.

Ideally this procedure can be done in two sittings with your dentist. Dental veneer remains one of the fastest as well as the best way for people to improve the appearance of their teeth and smile better. People who are constantly exposed to the media and are in the limelight usually use dental veneers for their teeth.

There are many advantages of using dental veneers on your teeth. First of all a person can get very good results with a minimal of tooth drilling. Veneers can be used to give the perfect alignment to your misaligned teeth. However the dentist who is using veneers must be very careful as veneers can increase the thickness of teeth. Only very thin wafer like layer of veneer must be used on your teeth.

If you want to keep your teeth in proper shape and good working condition
following some basic rules of dental hygiene will help you in the long run. Brushing your teeth twice a day is vital. Make sure to include lots of food stuff which are good for your health. Also remember to keep the regular appointments with your dentist religiously. Following these simple procedures will help your dental health in the long run.
read more “Dental Veneers transform your smile and enhance your personality”

Dental teeth whitening is not just a recent trend for the modern multitude
but rather a virtual necessity for every person seeking to gain the self-confidence and that much envied dream SMILE! And cosmetic dentistry has helped individuals gain just that. A smile is what can win the heart of the person or command the attention of a crowd
yet sadly all too many people try to hide their smile for fear of displaying yellowed or stained teeth. With modern dental teeth whitening options
such public fears are no longer necessary.

First let's take a brief look at the common causes for the discoloring of human teeth. Despite the fact that healthy teeth are very hard
the enamel consists of microscopic pores that lose their color over time – it's a natural result of aging. There are other common causes of discolored teeth too
such as smoking
chewing tobacco or even from consumables that we eat and drink. What bleaching does (the most popular form of dental teeth whitening) is remove these stains from the enamel of a person's teeth
thus bringing forth the gleaming white again.

There is some great (and possibly unexpected) news for people seeking dental teeth whitening: cosmetic dentistry is not always as expensive as people think
and sometimes they are even covered by insurance! So with that said
let's take a more detailed look at the various teeth whitening procedures available to you.

One of the most convenient techniques of dental teeth whitening involves the at-home tray teeth whitening. This tray-based tooth bleaching technique utilizes a plastic tray filled with a bleaching gel that is spread over a person's teeth. It is required to wear the tray for a substantial amount of time each day for a few weeks while the gradual effects of the tooth whitening process takes place.

Another technique for teeth whitening is that of the teeth whitening strips. These teeth whitening strip products offer an up-to-the-minute and pioneering way to perform teeth bleaching treatments. This type of over-the-counter whitening system offers similar results as tray-based bleaching without the need to use those sometimes annoying whitening trays. Strips offer a portable way to obtain teeth whitening without much fuss and can be performed even by individuals caught up in busy and chaotic schedules.

The more elaborate and effective techniques of dental teeth whitening are generally carried out by a professional dentist at their office. While more expensive
whitening via a professional dentist is much more quick and potent
thus leading to a significantly faster and brighter smile. So although professional whitening is significantly more expensive
it may be ideal for individuals requiring urgent teeth whitening results.

Appointment times of a dentist usually range from two to three hours
consisting of fully professional attention and bleaching compound coupled with a laser treatment. This method is so effective that you'll see spectacular results the same day as the bleaching treatment
and the results are very prominent within the full course of the treatment.

Copyright ฉ Jared Winston
All Rights Reserved.
read more “Dental Teeth Whitening Should You Consider It”

The amount of money spent on dental procedures and dental care is on the rise. Dental insurance helps the policyholder get the amount spent on the dental care treatments through refunds. There are discount dental plans that allow the person to receive heavy discounts on the dentistry bills. Teeth are our assets and they are very important just like any other organ of the body and need great care. Dental insurance provides the policyholder with a list of dentists from whom the services can be availed in the market. The policyholders are required to get the services only from the given list of dentists. But some of the discount dental plans do not exercise any kind of limitations as far as choosing the dentist of the policyholder’s preference. Discount dental plans are easier to get and also there is no age limit. Hence best dental plans provide greater support during heavy payments on the dentistry bills.

Affordable dental insurance plans:

There are many affordable dental insurance plans that are mainly crafted for the children and spouse of the family. The family dental insurance plans have lowered the costs drastically for certain dental care work like cleaning
uproot canals
fittings of braces etc. The main aim of family dental insurance plans is to bring down the costs and at the same time provide dental care to the family members. The amount is lowered in this dental insurance plan because many dental insurance companies offer free or lower amount dental care policy coverage for the children. The coverage of such policies differs broadly from one insurance company to another. Hence before choosing a plan and the insurance company the coverage scope needs to be checked thoroughly. Family dental insurance is entirely different from the individual dental insurance. They are both less expensive and money is saved through reimbursements. This is the simplest and easiest kind of dental insurance to get without any paper work for receiving the claims.

Important things to be checked before going in for a dental insurance policy and coverage:

The policyholder should make sure that everything is covered under the dental insurance policy
as some will offer only checkup
which will be of no use when the policyholder has to go for a full cover. When an employer offers a dental insurance policy
it has to be checked for the coverage again
as most of the companies do not provide full coverage to cut down the cost spent on the insurance policies but may give them as a benefit to the employee. In such cases the employee has to go for a private dental insurance policy covering the rest of the dental care procedures
which has been excluded in the employee cover. The waiting periods have to be checked. It is the time limit which the company will have the policyholder to wait before he can enjoy the benefits of the policy. Certain policies may make the policyholder wait for more than 1 year to enjoy the benefit. If the policy holder likes to go for cosmetic dental procedures like teeth bleaching or whitening he should look for a dental insurance policy which provides coverage
as only a few insurance companies provide such coverage and that too for a higher premium.
read more “Dental Insurance An Overview”

Dental implants are created by putting a titanium implant into the jaw and connecting a ceramic crown once the jaw has fused the implant. Once this occurs
the dental implant is secured in place.

A wide variety of techniques can be utilized depending on the state of the implant site. One quick method can be completed in one single day
and can be done if the tooth is replaced in a healthy gum over good bone. Grafting or growing new bone is considered very complex and can take up to half a year or longer to do.

If a tooth needs to be extracted because it is decayed or damaged
as long as the surrounding gum is not damaged
the dental implant may be installed the same time as when the broken tooth is removed. This procedure will typically include a temporary crown and later replaced with a permanent crown once the bone fusion is complete. While heeling
it may be best to avoid certain foods after the dental implant has been installed.

Common dental implants occur through a process of stages. An implant is installed to the jaw bone and will need to fuse for roughly 3-6 months. Once this stage is complete
a post
known as an abutment
is put in the implant. Then the casts are removed off of the teeth and a crown made to match the existing tooth is adhered to the abutment.

When the bone structure is weak
one of the most complicated dental implant procedures can take place. In some cases a bone graft might be needed
or the bone can be stimulated to grow. The bone must be allowed to heal before the dental implant is installed. This can make the process very lengthy.

A custom fit plate can be placed between the jaw and gum if the bone structure is not in good condition for a dental implant. In order to obtain accurate measurements a CAT scan may be utilized or a cast cane be made by exposing the jaw.

Visit with your dentist to discuss which dental implant procedure is right for you. Your dentist could possibly perform the surgery at their office
or in more extreme cases
you may be referred to a periodontist.

More information regarding dental implants can be obtained at
read more “Dental Implants Procedures”

Decorative contact lenses are otherwise known as Halloween contact lenses and Special effects contact lenses. These kind of decorative lenses are mainly used in films
theatres and rock concerts. Nowadays
it is also available to people of all walks of like at a very affordable price. Decorative lenses are available in almost all kinds of colors
shapes and forms
to name a few are red eyed alien
green eyed reptile
zebra stripes
stars etc. Some of the latest trends and styles include hypnotic spirals
wolf eyes
eagle eyes
all black
bloodshot eyes
all white etc. The decorative contact lenses could provide the perfect finishing touch in bringing out the character of the costume into life.

Decorative contact lenses can completely transform the appearance of the person by either covering the entire sclera or covering just the pupil of the eye. The decorative lenses covering the entire sclera (the entire white part of the eyes) create a fully transformed effect. The styles and designs are timeless and timely.

Decorative lenses can be very harmful to the eye
even leading to permanent eye injury or blindness when they are made out of improper materials or used improperly. Decorative lenses should be purchased after consultation with the doctor to avoid any injuries to the eye. It is advised by the FDA to get such decorative contact lenses from a licensed eye care professional.

Taking care of decorative contact lenses:

Although decorative contact lenses are very similar to that of the ordinary contact lenses
they are used to match the costume for fun and used only for short durations are has to be taken while handling such medical devices as it is worn by the precious part of the body – the eyes.

All that is required to take care of the decorative lenses are a pair of plastic tweezers
case to hold the contact lenses
no rub multipurpose cleaning solution etc. It is always good to wash the hands with mild soap before handling the decorative contact lenses as the hands might carry bacteria or fungus. Tweezers can be used to pick the lenses so that they do not tear. It can be rinsed well with a no rub multipurpose lens solution and then inserted in the eye. After use too the contact lenses should be rinsed with the solution and placed in the case with a fresh lens solution to avoid contamination.
read more “Decorative Contact Lenses - Tips and Trends”

New Cosmetic Product Makes Wrinkles Almost Invisible to the Naked Eye!

Watch this recent ABC News clip and see the results for yourself! An ndependent news organization persuaded two volunteers to try the product and tell them what they thought about it!

What's going on here?

Is this some kind of magic? No
-it's not magic. It's science which seems like magic. The main ingredient in Deception is made from something called "emu oil". I'll tell you about emu oil in a moment... but first... let me tell you what creates the "magic" effect.

This is the best triple-refined emu oil in the world. And
an extra ingredient is added to it while it is being made into a cream. This extra ingredient is a suspension of superfine silicon dioxide nanoprisms which has been "fractionated" instead of powderized. That means instead of turning into flakes when it is processed... it turns into...

Billions of Microscopic Three-Dimensional Nanoprisms!

So what?

Here's "so what." Almost nobody knows this... but... the human eye cannot see a wrinkle. What the eye sees is actually the shadow made by the wrinkle. And
since all those billions of microscopic nanoprisms refract light
when you use Deception...

There are No Shadows to See!

This effect will last until you wash your face and the invisible silicon dioxide is removed. And get this: Remember how I told you the main ingredient in this cosmetic cream is made from emu oil? Well
it turns out emu oil is probably the best cosmetic ingredient in the world. That's because its molecules are much smaller than the molecules in human skin. Because of this
emu oil can...

Penetrate Down Through Seven Layers of Human Skin!

This makes it the best moisturizer in the world.

And here's more good news! The reason you get wrinkles in the first place is
as you get older
you start losing the collagen in your skin. Can you guess what emu oil does?
read more “Deception Wrinkle Cream - Moisturizer Wrinkle Cream Thats Works”

New Cosmetic Product Makes Wrinkles Almost Invisible to the Naked Eye!

Watch this recent ABC News clip and see the results for yourself! An ndependent news organization persuaded two volunteers to try the product and tell them what they thought about it!

What's going on here?

Is this some kind of magic? No
-it's not magic. It's science which seems like magic. The main ingredient in Deception is made from something called "emu oil". I'll tell you about emu oil in a moment... but first... let me tell you what creates the "magic" effect.

This is the best triple-refined emu oil in the world. And
an extra ingredient is added to it while it is being made into a cream. This extra ingredient is a suspension of superfine silicon dioxide nanoprisms which has been "fractionated" instead of powderized. That means instead of turning into flakes when it is processed... it turns into...

Billions of Microscopic Three-Dimensional Nanoprisms!

So what?

Here's "so what." Almost nobody knows this... but... the human eye cannot see a wrinkle. What the eye sees is actually the shadow made by the wrinkle. And
since all those billions of microscopic nanoprisms refract light
when you use Deception...

There are No Shadows to See!

This effect will last until you wash your face and the invisible silicon dioxide is removed. And get this: Remember how I told you the main ingredient in this cosmetic cream is made from emu oil? Well
it turns out emu oil is probably the best cosmetic ingredient in the world. That's because its molecules are much smaller than the molecules in human skin. Because of this
emu oil can...

Penetrate Down Through Seven Layers of Human Skin!

This makes it the best moisturizer in the world.

And here's more good news! The reason you get wrinkles in the first place is
as you get older
you start losing the collagen in your skin. Can you guess what emu oil does?
read more “Deception Wrinkle Cream”


Although the cause of dandruff is not completely understood
it is currently theorized that one of the main causes is a breakdown of the scalps natural lipid barrier
leaving it more exposed to infection by the microscopic yeast that is commonly found in the scalp. When the yeast overgrows
it leads to an inflammatory response that kills off scalp cells at a high rate
which in turn slough off in sticky patches and flakes.

The condition is identified by:

 White or clear flakes on the scalp
through the hair
and on clothing.
 Itchy scalp which may be red and inflamed.

Some young teens find they develop dandruff when they hit puberty because their hygiene habits haven’t changed to meet the challenges of newly accelerated sebum production.

poor hygiene and poor diet can make the scalp more susceptible to dandruff. High sugar foods in particular are known to exacerbate yeast infections.

The hair should be brushed regularly to loosen flakes and stimulate blood supply to the scalp
which will accelerate the natural immune response to infection.


There are few habits you can develop and natural treatments you can use to treat dandruff.

Nutrition: An excess of sugar in the diet can exacerbate any yeast infection. Try reducing your intake of all sugars and refined starches while treating for dandruff.

Cleansing: Massage your scalp thoroughly with your fingertips when shampooing. This will help loosen and remove any dead skin flakes and help prevent the infection from continuing. Wash your hair daily until the infection is cleared up.

Conditioning: Use a protective hair condition on the ends of hair only. Avoid getting conditioner on your scalp where it can clog pores and interfere with healing of the skin.

Other Treatments:

○ Massage: Massaging your scalp several times a day with the pads of the fingers only will stimulate blood supply to the hair follicles and help loosen the dead skin flakes.

○ Brushing: Brushing your hair thoroughly on a daily basis will help loosen and remove dead skin flakes
increase the smooth flow of sebum along the hair shaft
and increase blood supply to the hair follicles.

○ Wash Hands After Brushing and Grooming Hair: Fungal infections of the skin are highly contagious
and it is easy to reinfect and spread to other areas of the body. This is why it’s important to wash your hair daily and to brush out any loose dandruff flakes – so that healthy areas of the scalp will not be infected. Washing your hands after brushing
massaging and grooming your hair will also help prevent reinfection or cross infection.

The following herbs and nutrients have been shown to reduce dandruff infections:

Natural Internal Treatments for Dandruff

Alpha-Lipoic Acid
Vanadyl Sulfate
Gynema Sylvestre and Chromium are all natural regulators of blood sugar levels. The can help prevent feeding the infection by keeping blood sugar levels normalized.

Olive Leaf and Oregano Leaf are both natural systemic antifungal agents.

Natural External Treatments for Dandruff

The following herbs can be used as a tonic for reducing fungal infections on a topical basis. Extracts of these herbs or a several drops of their essential oils dissolved in aloe vera gel or witch hazel can greatly relieve the symptoms of itching and flaking in dandruff. Tea tree oil is particularly effective against fungal and bacterial infections.
Clary Sage
Desert Sage
Ginkgo Biloba
Grapefruit Seed Extract
Grapefruit Essential Oil
Grapeseed Extract
Juniper Berry Essential Oil
Lavender Essential Oil
Poke Root
Tea Tree Oil
read more “Dealing With Dandruff - Natural Treatments”


Although the cause of dandruff is not completely understood
it is currently theorized that one of the main causes is a breakdown of the scalps natural lipid barrier
leaving it more exposed to infection by the microscopic yeast that is commonly found in the scalp. When the yeast overgrows
it leads to an inflammatory response that kills off scalp cells at a high rate
which in turn slough off in sticky patches and flakes.

The condition is identified by:

- White or clear flakes on the scalp
through the hair
and on clothing.
- Itchy scalp which may be red and inflamed.

Some young teens find they develop dandruff when they hit puberty because their hygiene habits haven’t changed to meet the challenges of newly accelerated sebum production.

poor hygiene and poor diet can make the scalp more susceptible to dandruff. High sugar foods in particular are known to exacerbate yeast infections.

The hair should be brushed regularly to loosen flakes and stimulate blood supply to the scalp
which will accelerate the natural immune response to infection.


There are few habits you can develop and natural treatments you can use to treat dandruff.

Nutrition: An excess of sugar in the diet can exacerbate any yeast infection. Try reducing your intake of all sugars and refined starches while treating for dandruff.

Cleansing: Massage your scalp thoroughly with your fingertips when shampooing. This will help loosen and remove any dead skin flakes and help prevent the infection from continuing. Wash your hair daily until the infection is cleared up.

Conditioning: Use a protective hair condition on the ends of hair only. Avoid getting conditioner on your scalp where it can clog pores and interfere with healing of the skin.

Other Treatments:

- Massage: Massaging your scalp several times a day with the pads of the fingers only will stimulate blood supply to the hair follicles and help loosen the dead skin flakes.

- Brushing: Brushing your hair thoroughly on a daily basis will help loosen and remove dead skin flakes
increase the smooth flow of sebum along the hair shaft
and increase blood supply to the hair follicles.

- Wash Hands After Brushing and Grooming Hair: Fungal infections of the skin are highly contagious
and it is easy to reinfect and spread to other areas of the body. This is why it’s important to wash your hair daily and to brush out any loose dandruff flakes – so that healthy areas of the scalp will not be infected. Washing your hands after brushing
massaging and grooming your hair will also help prevent reinfection or cross infection.

The following herbs and nutrients have been shown to reduce dandruff infections:

Natural Internal Treatments for Dandruff

Alpha-Lipoic Acid
Vanadyl Sulfate
Gynema Sylvestre and Chromium are all natural regulators of blood sugar levels. The can help prevent feeding the infection by keeping blood sugar levels normalized.

Olive Leaf and Oregano Leaf are both natural systemic antifungal agents.

Natural External Treatments for Dandruff

The following herbs can be used as a tonic for reducing fungal infections on a topical basis. Extracts of these herbs or a several drops of their essential oils dissolved in aloe vera gel or witch hazel can greatly relieve the symptoms of itching and flaking in dandruff. Tea tree oil is particularly effective against fungal and bacterial infections.
Clary Sage
Desert Sage
Ginkgo Biloba
Grapefruit Seed Extract
Grapefruit Essential Oil
Grapeseed Extract
Juniper Berry Essential Oil
Lavender Essential Oil
Poike Root
Tea Tree Oil
read more “Dealing with Dandruff”

A day spa is business that offers a number of personal care services to their customers. Some of these services include facials or massages. Unlike destination spas
people are only expected to stay at day spas until their treatment is complete. Waxing is another common service that is offered
and the body hair of the customers will removed by using warm wax. A day spa should be a place which is clean and comfortable. Each customer will have their own private room where they will receive treatments. If the customer wants to take a shower before their treatment begins
there are often showering facilities which will be available for men and women.

A high quality day spa will typically be operated by an esthetician who is licensed to work in the field. A day spa will also employ trained therapists who are skilled with massages or other products. Spa robes and shoes should be available in sizes that will match most clients. The massages that are available will fall under multiple categories
and some of these are Swedish
Deep Muscle
or Shiatsu. In addition to waxing
the facility should also have heat treatments
laser hair removal
or hand and foot treatments. As the name implies day spas will often have a hot tub or sauna. Some customers will be able to hire a personal trainer
and many establishments feature yoga as well.

A day spa is an excellent place for those who are looking to reduce stress. The workers in the day spa should give a warm welcome to their clients
and if you are new
they will explain to you the different procedures they use. Once they have explained the procedures
you will be taken to your private room where you can dress in a robe. Drinks may often be served in the form of water or juices. If you are a guest
you are expected to be on time for your appointment. If you are paying for body services
you will need to dress in a robe
and your therapist will expose the areas that will be treated. The goal of your therapist is to provide you with the treatments you need.

As you are treated
you will want to provide feedback to therapist on how you feel. The most important thing for you to do is relax. Let the therapist do the work
though you may talk to them if you wish. If you have children
it is best to leave them at home
because they can disrupt the quiet atmosphere and disturb other customers. Some day spas will require gratuities
while others will not. It is important to have this information available before you make an appointment. There are a number of behaviors which will not be tolerated at most day spas. A visitor who is drunk will be promptly removed from the facility. Customers are not supposed to be abusive to the therapists. It is also not acceptable to visit most spas without first making appointments
as many of them may be booked on any given day.
read more “Day Spas Facts”

There is no doubt about it; we live in a hectic society that does not show any signs of slowing pace any time soon. To relive some of the stress associated with always being on the go
many people have turned to spas to help them melt away the worries of the world. But what if you don’t have thousands of dollars and a full week to devote to becoming one with yourself and nature? The answer could be as simple as day spas.

Day spas are a relatively new phenomenon. In the early 80s
there were only a handful of day spas scattered across the United States. In those days
if you wanted spa luxury
you had to foot the bill and make the time commitment. As you can imagine
this severely limited the spa customer base to the privileged.

there are thousands of day spas
and you can find one in almost every community. Day spas are different from their luxury spa counterparts in that customers have the option of visiting for an entire day
a half day or just an hour or two. There are no overnight stays and no week-long package commitments. In a day spa
you can get premium services just like those found in the traditional spas
but for a lot less time and money.

what types of services can you get in a day spa? Virtually everything from facials
body wraps
sunless tanning
hair services
make-up applications
hair color
lunch... you name it.

Here’s a brief look at some popular day spa packages:

* $125 to $175 will get you three-hour classic salon/spa experience including manicure with paraffin treatment
scalp treatment
shampoo and styling
massage or mini-facial.

* $75 to $100 will get you a two-hour body treatment with exfoliation
massage and steam bath

* For $300 to $500
you can get pampered for the whole day and choose from a host of services. You will also be served meals during your day-long stay.

And don’t think that day spas skimp on luxury. Many spas offer limousine services and treat their clients like they are royalty no matter what walk of life they come from. For this reason
day spa gift certificates have become extremely popular gifts. When you give a day spa gift certificate
you are giving a luxurious gift of indulgence to your loved one. What better way is there to say that they’ve worked hard and deserve a little bit of the finer things in life?

When choosing a day spa
keep in mind that different spas offer different services. In many cases
day spas are ran in conjunction with a full-service beauty salon. That means that you can choose from a wide variety of services. Other day spas
may only offer massage and skin-care services without offering hair and nail services. You should also shop around. Prices from spa to spa can vary considerably.

if you want to be pampered but have little money and even less time
perhaps a day spa is the perfect compromise that you’ve been looking for. But be forewarned
day spas can be addictive.
read more “Day Spas Pampering Without the Time Commitment”

Guys (and maybe ladies too)
I have some good news about shaving. You have probably experienced some of the hassles and problems of this chore and are familiar with its inherent potential for being very annoying.

You may be frustrated with razor burn and dry skin after struggling with your daily shaving routine. You can bet I tried all kinds of different razors
shaving cream and even some aftershaves to see what I could do about this problem.

You want to know what I found after a lot of experimenting and trying different things? You probably have a neat handy little item that is common household fare and may be found in your kitchen. It’s Olive Oil. You got it
olive oil!

The benefits to using olive oil for shaving are huge. It is such a natural lubricant that the right kind of razor will slide right across your face giving you smooth and soft skin and still getting the job of cutting the growth from your face. And the best part is that your skin may actually start to look younger after using olive oil to shave with over the long term.

do not forget to apply some olive oil to your forehead when you shave too. The reason is that the rest of your face will become younger looking and you want your forehead to keep up. In retrospect
I remember reading about a famous Hollywood actress that mentioned that olive oil was her secret to having great skin.

You can bet that others are using olive oil to shave with too. I did a search right before deciding to share this information with you and sure enough there are other people out there that shave with olive oil.

One nice thing about it is that you don’t have to use high quality olive oil. You can buy the inexpensive low grade olive oil that doesn’t taste very good from your local supermarket to shave with.
A bottle will last a really long time. You can kiss your shaving cream goodbye. You can also leave out aftershave if you so choose. Your skin should feel great without it.

let’s talk about that razor of yours. Here is what I have found out about razors and am willing to share with you. Even though I use the great lubricant properties of olive oil to shave with
I still have found a few issues that using the right kind of razor can help with.

If your experience is similar to mine
you may have found that it is difficult to shave in the grooves of your neck and face
particularly under the jaw bone with typical razors. Even with olive oil you can still easily cut your face if you make the wrong movement. You might find that that Gillette’s Mach 3 and olive oil are the perfect combination.

The Mach 3 has a nice swivel head with a great lubricating strip. This allows for the flexibility to really get into the nooks and crannies when used in combination with the olive oil. You will be able to get in there with a lot less fear of cutting yourself. It’s not impossible
but the Mach 3 does make it a lot harder to cut the skin of your face.

You may be using another brand of razor with a lubricating a strip. So far
in my opinion
none have come close to the Mach 3 for safety and comfort. I do sometimes use a stiffer blade to make the vertical strokes because it can be really effective. But
when it comes time to dig into those nooks and crannies
I like to break out the Mach 3.

I don’t work for Gillette and I am in no way associated with them. The reason I use a stiffer blade for the vertical strokes is because its effective and also less expensive. The Mach 3 blades are a bit on the expensive side
so you can save a little bit by just reserving them for the nooks and crannies. With the use of olive oil
you might be able to get a longer usage period out of a blade before needing to dispose of it.

For ladies
I suggest using a sparing amount of olive oil. The reason is that you will be covering a much larger area and too much olive oil can get a little messy. For us guys
we can probably enjoy the luxury of using more because it is easier to wash from the face.

I wish you the best of luck with your next shaving experience.

This article is for information purposes only. I cannot assume any liability for your use or misuse of this information. If you are not willing to assume the full risk and responsibility for the potential consequences from using this information you are advised not to use it. It’s impossible to know the skill levels or abilities or available equipment of any individual out there
therefore I cannot be responsible for the use or misuse of this information. Your use of this information implies your consent to bear the full responsibility for any result that may come from its use or misuse.
read more “Dave s Shave Tips”

Teeth whitening kits can cause a variety of problems. Problems can occur in accidentally swallowing the bleaching product
faster decay and damaging gums.

The peroxide used in teeth whitening can cause damage to the nerves and the fleshy tissue in your gums. When the nerves are damaged
you will have an increased sensitivity to hot and cold sensations. Laser teeth whitening is not much better; the peroxide is still applied to the teeth
only this time the laser causes it to penetrate more deeply into the tooth. Laser teeth whitening can cause even more damage than just applying a tooth-whitening product to the surface. These problems
if left untreated can lead to tooth decay and in rare cases sometimes loss of the tooth altogether.

The mouth is a very sensitive area of the body. The harsh chemicals involved in teeth whitening should be a last resort after you have tried over the counter treatments such as toothpastes. However
there are a few precautions you can follow to ensure that the whitening process goes smoothly. First
if you have any current problems with your teeth
wait until they are taken care of by a dental professional before whitening your teeth. Never start the process with open wounds in your mouth
such as stitches or ulcers. This can lead to worse problems than you started with
and the chemicals can eat away at the tissue and cause a great deal of pain.

An alternative to chemical teeth whitening is having veneers put on your teeth. Many patients have opted to go this route
despite its cost
and have been very pleased with the results they have achieved. In addition
many celebrities achieve their seemingly perfect smile through veneers rather than chemical teeth whitening. These will remain white and are not porous like your regular teeth. They come in a variety of materials and while they do tend to cost more than teeth whitening treatments
the upside is they last a great deal longer than the results you achieve from a chemical tooth whitening process.
read more “Dangers of Tooth Whitening Chemicals and Treatments”

When it comes to looking your best
there are some standard tools of the trade. You will want to find the right makeup for your complexion. You'll want to find the best clothes and the right hair stylist. You'll also want to be sure that you have the right products for styling your hair - shampoo and conditioner
gels or mousse or other products
a great blow dryer and
of course
the right curling iron.

Some people seem to think that curling irons are all the same. They don't understand that the inexpensive curling irons like the ones that can be bought in discount stores aren't built to last the same way that curling irons from a beauty supply store are. They don't understand that
even when it comes to curling irons from a beauty supply store
there can be big differences between one curling iron and the next.

Some curling irons work in a way that is similar to a styling brush and a hair dryer - using hot air to style your hair. Some are made with narrow wands for tighter curls; others are made with a wider wand meant to provide long flowing waves in your hair. You can find a curling iron to create spiral curls
spring curls and even curling irons that don't really do much curling per se --- curling irons that are used to straighten hair.

even once you've found the right curling iron to keep up your hair style
you may be confused about which type of curling iron is best for your hair. In addition to the hot air curling brush
you'll find that there are a number of other options: ceramic
metal. There are traditional curling irons that you'll plug into the wall
and then there are butane curling irons and propane fueled curling irons that you'll be able to use anywhere.

Butane and propane fueled curling irons are a great asset for getting ready on the go. Running late to head to the office? Take your curling iron with you and squeeze in a few minutes in the restroom before you make it to your desk. Going out after work? Take your butane curling iron with you to the office
heat it up
style your hair before you leave the office and you won't have to make a trip back home.

More importantly
if you do much traveling
you'll find that a butane or propane fueled curling iron is an ideal option. Why is a gas-powered iron such a great choice? There are three reasons that rise above the rest:

Once you're accustomed to using a butane curling iron
you won't want to switch back to another style.

Propane fueled curling irons can easily be taken with you wherever you go. Not only is it easy to take one along with you to the office
but it is easy to slip one into your carry-on bag or suitcase when you travel.

When you travel with a butane curling iron or propane fueled curling iron
you won't have to worry about finding the right adapter when you travel out of the United States
because you don't have to plug in your curling iron.

Still not sure that this style of curling iron is right for you - or
for that matter
right for travel? Try talking over the choice with your stylist or with others who use them. You are bound to hear stories about how convenient it is to not have to worry about remembering to unplug your curling iron before you leave home. Similarly
you won't have to worry about tripping over the cord
having someone else trip over the cord or having the family pet decide that chewing on the electrical cord is a good idea.

After all
your curling iron should be an asset
not a liability. Your curling iron - once you find the one that is right for your hair and hair style - should also be something that you don't need to replace on a fairly regular basis. Therefore
it makes sense to consider more than just "any" curling iron; consider finding a curling iron that will meet your needs wherever you are - whether you're traveling across town or traveling around the world.
read more “Curling Irons Are As Individual As The Women Who Use Them”

Every person
regardless of his occupation
social position or gender
can be a connoisseur in a particular sphere of knowledge but is usually ignorant in medicine. We are used to follow our therapist's prescriptions without any hesitation. We've never taken effort to investigate the way this or that medicine works ...But
even if we did
I doubt we'd make head or tale of what is written in thick volumes of medical books. It looks like sometimes it's worth doing...

The recent research in the field of salivary dysfunction field has shown that over 600 medications wide-spread nowadays lead to tooth decay through saliva inhibiting in our mouth. Meanwhile
saliva executes an important function of protecting our mouth from acid that destroys teeth. This acid is produced by bacteria while you eat sugar and it destroys the upper layer of our teeth. Salvia in its turn is rich in calcium and phosphate and flowing in it replaces the layer that has been removed.

clonidine and drugs similar to them take first place among the medications harmful for our teeth. These medicines either inhibit saliva production or alter its composition that is just as bad. Studies held on rats to see the relationship between cavity incidence
salvia flow and specific drugs
have shown that such drugs as atropine and its similarities
including antihistamines (eg
Benedryl) and some anti-depressants (eg
Aventyl) retard the process of salvia secretion. Propanolol
in its turn
alters salviaТs composition causing tooth decay this way. The third drug under investigaton
has been proved to prevent saliva producing by rducing neurotransmitters - stimulators of salivary glandsТ work.

This all is sad especially because these drugs are widely used by elderly people
together with those who have heart or hypertention problems. Clonidine
by the way
is used additionally to treat children with attention deficit problem.

Professor Watson calls doctors to reconsiderate using the above mentioned drugs or at least think about the dose reducing. This we
at least
can do if we are not able to fight such disorders as Sjogren's syndrome
an autoimmune illness and damaged salivary glands
side effect of radiation therapy to the head or neck.

You can read more articles at dental care and hygiene.
read more “Cure for one illness and cause of the other drugs you take damage your teeth.”

Almost every woman loves pearls. They exude timeless elegance. Pearl jewelry gives a woman the look of grandeur and the shimmering white of the pearls against the body feels awesome. Purity is compared to a pearl
because of the flawless whiteness of the pearl.

You would have bought cultured pearls for yourself or for a family member or friends
but do you know what exactly a cultured pearl is? There is also a wrong notion that a cultured pearl is an artificial pearl.

When something like a parasite or some organic matter gets implanted in an oyster or mollusk
a pearl is formed. These are called natural pearls as they are formed by nature. A cultured pearl is something that has the intervention of humans. A pearl farmer inserts a similar object into the oyster or mollusk and the pearl that is thus formed is called a cultured pearl. The rest of the process remains the same. The only difference being implanting the organic matter into the oyster.

The size of the pearl
either natural or cultured depends on the length of time it remains in the oyster. The larger the size
the more valuable is the pearl. All these cultured pearls are grown on pearl farms.

Cultured pearls are very valuable jewels in today’s world. No jewelry box looks complete without cultured pearl jewelry. Just like natural pearls
each cultured pearl is different from one another.

The value of the cultured pearl depends on the color
and luster. The brightness and luster of the cultured pearl speaks volumes about the quality. A cultured pearl should be flawless without any marks on it. It should be round without any dents. The roundness of the cultured pearl determines the price.

Cultured pearls are found in various colors
and lavender. The Indian rose-colored pearl is very famous and most-liked. The color of the pearl is determined by the oyster or mollusk and their environment. Think of the rainbow and you will find all those colors in cultured pearls.

Did you know that pearl is the birthstone of people born under the Gemini star sign. Mystical powers and healing ability is associated with pearls.

There are several types of cultured pears
like Oriental pearls that are saltwater pearls and freshwater pearls that come from freshwater mollusks or oysters. Freshwater cultured pearls are less expensive and are more affordable for people on a budget.
Cultured pearls are not as durable as gemstones. They need to be handled and stored with a lot of care. You should keep them away from humidity or dryness. Do not spray perfumes or let your cultured pearls come in touch with your makeup. That is the reason why they say
cultured pearls should be the last jewelry to be worn when dressing up. After removing them
it would do them good to wipe clean with a clean and soft cloth before storing the cultured pearls in a soft velvet pouch.
Cultured pearls make perfect gifts for loved ones. All sorts of jewelry is made with cultured pearls
from plain pearl strands to pearls set in gold or other precious metals
or in combination with other precious gemstones. Cultured pearls give beauty to any jewelry they are set in. Pearls look extremely elegant on elderly women too and give them a dignified and sophisticated look
more than any other metal can. A plain strand of expensive pearls can be a lovely and thoughtful gift.
read more “Cultured Pearls as a Gift”

Skin has many other purposes other than being beautiful and serving as an eye candy for everyone. It protects our internal organs from any of the external adversities as far as possible.

Whenever you are running down with fever
due to sweating skin tries to bring down the temperature. Entry of foreign object or any other unwanted material is disallowed by the skin. Even with all these uses
if we tend to disregard skin's importance then it would be a real shame.

Cucumber is a very edible fruit which comes from the cucumber plant cucumis sativus
which is part of the gourd family. It is being used for different purpose as it can be eaten raw or cooked. With so many health benefits it becomes one of the most important parts of food diet as well as skin diet.

Cucumber can claim to be a water body as it has 90% water. It is known to be a cooling agent due to the water in it. It is believed that cucumber helps in reducing swelling around the eyes or the big dark circles under your eyes. This is world-wide treatment which is being used to its maximum extent.

These also can be one of the most wonderful and natural eye pads you can find for yourself. The puffiness and the tiredness in your eyes may just leave you
if you do this in a relaxed fashion. These natural eye pads do wonders after a long days work.

If you want a happy skin
then cucumber is the answer. As cucumber and the skin share the same level of hydrogen
it becomes easier for cucumber to mask all the problem areas. It helps in soothing and softening your skin which can get you relaxed in no time.

With so many useful ingredients in cucumber it can help you in treating so many skin problems. It has become part of daily beauty product into face packs
juice and many other things which can affect your skin.

Due to its cooling effect it can be termed as a magic wand for all your skin problems. The cleaning and cleansing property helps your skin tremendously making it soft and supple. The regular intake of cucumber juice is very useful both internally and externally.

To have a glowing and smooth skin you can use this recipe

Blend 4-5 leafs of fresh mint. Peel and deseed the cucumber. Add mint leaves to the cucumber to make a puree. Beat egg white and keep it separate
then add this egg white to the cucumber mixture. Apply this evenly on your face for 20 minutes and then rinse it with water and pat it dry.

The reader of this article should exercise all precautions while following instructions on the recipes from this article. Avoid using if you are allergic to something. The responsibility lies with the reader and not the site or the writer.
read more “Cucumber Benefits - A Guarantor For Good Skin”
