While it is true that a nose job is one of the most common forms of plastic surgery
there is more than just one procedure. This brings us to the subject of closed nose job.
Closed Nose Job Procedure
When choosing plastic surgery
it is important to have all of the information and options for your type of procedure presented to you beforehand. This is especially important with a nose job. A nose job is a procedure where the surgeon forms or shapes the nose to a desired position. In performing a nose job procedure
surgeons have two choices on how to proceed: open nose job or closed nose job.
An open nose job is by far the most common technique used to cosmetically (and medically) correct issues with the nose. In an open nose job
a small incision is made in the columella
which is the small column of skin that separates the nostrils. When this incision is made
the surgeon is able to lift the skin off of the nose exposing all of the tissue underneath including the cartilage. Surgeons find this easier to work with than a closed nose job
as they are more easily able to see all of the nasal structures. They can also work on the nasal tip cartilage in its natural position
making it easier to see how the final result of the surgery will come out. The biggest disadvantage to this surgery is the little scar left on the outside of the nose in the columella
though it does heal to an unnoticeable size in most people.
A closed nose job
on the other hand
leaves no external scarring. All of the incisions made with a closed nose job take place internally through other openings in the nose
and some feel that it heals more quickly. A closed nose job is better for nasal surgery that requires less extensive shaping and work than someone who would need open nose job. It is not recommended for extensive reconstruction or surgeries that require a lot of work done on the cartilage at the tip of the nose. The two biggest advantages to closed nose jobs are the lack of any scars
and usually
a shorter surgery time.
Only your board certified plastic surgeon will know for sure whether an open nose job or closed nose job is the right surgery for your nasal needs. Be sure to consult with your doctor and weigh the options carefully before choosing a type of nose job. If you have your heart set on a closed nose job and your surgeon feels it is not right for you
a second opinion is always a good option. Just be sure to feel completely comfortable with your choice before proceeding.
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