Cosmetic plastic surgery boosts your confidence the way you look. And increase in self-confidence in the look can encourage you to focus your energy on other areas like family and career. There may be certain flaws in your body and face that makeup
diet and exercise can’t help mask. There you should look into the ultimate in makeover
cosmetic plastic surgery.
The advancement of corrective body and facial surgeries has made the cosmetic procedures easy
affordable and less invasive. This has led many to go for pure cosmetic procedures where aesthetic value comes first.
cosmetic procedures are not totally different from reconstructive procedures. Cosmetic surgery also considers your general health conditions and particular physical traits. That’s why you should not plunge into a procedure just for look alteration.
Of many cosmetic procedures collagen injection is a popular procedure embraced by many women to achieve that fuller and perfect lip
and to remove the facial wrinkles.
Collagen injections are all-purpose fillers to fix problems on the face. Collagen is filled into the areas that need plumping-up. For removal of wrinkles
and different marks these are the most suitable stuffs. Collagen can add volume to face giving it smooth appearance.
We all have collagen
a kind of protein
between the skin and the underlying tissues. This collagen helps to build fascia
the network of fibers that gives skin its bounce
volume and softness. That’s why collagen injections are popular in celeb circles and administered as: collagen lip injection
facial collagen injections
buttock collagen injections and scar collagen injections.
Why do we need collagen injections?
we have the collagen in our tissues. But its amount over ages goes on decrease after youth and the skin loses elasticity. Collagen injection helps replenish this condition. The idea behind injecting collagen is to replenish this underlying skin structure so that it regains its ability to bounce back. Collagen replacement therapy helps smooth facial lines as well as reduces the look of most types of scars. Taking a collagen injection is as easy as taking any other injection.
it does involve some complications like bruising
redness and puffiness of skin. In severe cases
the collagen migrates to other parts of the body. But the complications can be avoided with proper consultation with a surgeon by doing collagen acceptance/rejection test in one’s body.
What are different types of collagen?
• Bovine collagen: Derived from the tissues of cow
the bovine collagen is very compatible with human skin. It has fewer cases of allergy and rejection. Zyderm is the most popular names in bovine collagen.
• Human collagen: It comes from a human donor. Human skin readily accepts this. Zyderm and Zyplast and the two most popular human collagen.
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