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Body odour smell is an ailment that can not be avoided - body smells can often turn into a rancid stench if the offending area behind the smell is left unattended therefore causing body odour. In a lot of cases body odour smells can not be avoided
however precautions can be taken in the way of prevention to help unpleasant body odours.

Most body odour smells have a distinguishing smelly presence thus allowing you to direct your medication or cleaning process in the right direction. No one is exempt from body odour whether it is offensive or a lingering sweet essence from scented body sprays etc Treatment and medication for body odour smells are readily available over chemist counters but always talk with your doctor to be sure that the antiseptic body wash or whatever your purchase is
ideally suited to your needs. The wrong medication or treatment can instigate more problems.

Parts of the human body are identified by certain smells - the nose is a great detective for pin pointing exactly where the offensive smell is coming from. Unpleasant sweaty stale odours are normally ignored by the sufferer due to the fact that they are unaware they smell. This could be because their sense of smell has become so elementary making certain molecules in the nostrils insensitive. Strong pungent smells like
garlic or curry can be sniffed out but unfortunately the smelly odour produced from their armpits goes unnoticed.

We all sweat because this is a natural bodily function. When the body perspires it is relieving heat in a biological way - bear in mind sweat does not smell but however it is a base for bacteria therefore the acrid odour.
Body odour smells can be stemmed in a couple of ways by reducing the amount of sweat loss and by treating the area of bacteria that is the cause behind the production of the body odour.

To help combat bacteria - you must dedicate more time to your cleaning routine thus more attention to where you suffer and feel the most embarrassing smells come from.

A body wash cleaning every nook and cranny - particularly in the areas where the sweat producing glands are plentiful
for instance under the arms
groin and foot area
is vital. We all differ in ourselves in the personal hygiene department so you will find that some people will have more sweat and oil producing glands than that of others
the remedy for this is that washing routines may have to take place two or three times a day.

Using antiperspirants and deodorants are also another part of the package to keep repulsive and embarrassing body odour smells at bay. Remember to shave areas regularly like under the armpits because the hair is like a magnet for bacteria - results from this a fertile breeding ground for the bacteria.

Certain materials are not a match made in heaven on certain parts of the body so find clothing that is kind next to the skin.
