Only if you take proper care of your nails will they look good. To keep your nails healthy and good all the time you will have to work hard on them. While at home
you can use a nail file
which is available in different sizes
shapes and designs.
To make your nails look beautiful
you can apply nail polish or use art nails. Art nails are basically fake nails that you can stick on your nail. Art nails are available in hundreds of designs and colors. You can choose from a floral design to a silvery tattoo design. You can even wear art nails that match with different dresses. As for nail polish
they are available in hundreds of colors and great shades. You can find every color from red to navy blue to even black. You can also find nail polish in glossy colors or with matte finish. One of the salient points of nail polish is that it can hide any flaw in your nail and at the same time provide a protective cover.
One of the most common types of nail polish is the base coat
which will prepare your nails for the actual solid color nail polish. The base coat will also protect your nails from getting discolored due to a color nail polish. The top coat of a nail polish also known as the clear coat is normally used on dry nail polish for protecting and hardening the color. It will protect the color from chipping off.
Tips for keeping your nails in great condition
How do you get really stunning nails? Well! There is no magic involved. Here are a few tips that will help you to keep your nails in good shape and they will look great too:
* You can apply some nail varnish remover just prior to coloring your nails. You can use the varnish even if you don't need to remove your old polish. The main function of the varnish is that it will make your nails look better by removing any kind of dirt or grease. This will also help the nail polish to last longer and not ship off.
* French manicure is considered as the best treatment for your nails. There are times when you might have problems in achieving the right and the most perfect type of French manicure. In such a scenario what you can really do is use a white nail pencil just underneath your nail tip instead of the white polish you have been using so far. This will make your French manicure much easier.
* Always ensure that the waiting time after application of a nail varnish is long so that each layer gets enough time to dry. This will also ensure that you get a lasting finish.
* To remove excess nail varnish
always use a cotton bud to remove it from the top of the bottle. This will basically prevent the nail varnish bottle from getting glued shut
* There is several beauty and cosmetic companies that sell nail polish with matching lip stick colors too. Using the same color on your nails as is the color of your lipstick will definitely enhance your overall appearance. Alternatively
you can even use nail colors that are in contrast with the lip stick colors.
* It is always better to apply numerous thin color coats as compared to a single coat of thick color. Numerous thin coats mean that the nail polish will last longer.
* Avoid removing and then reapplying nail polish more than twice a week. If you remove and apply nail polish thrice or 4 times a week then it will make your nails dry. You can get a remover that has a built-in moisturizer so that you can protect your nails from drying.
* You should give your hand and fingers a little massage from time to time so that the blood circulation is maintained. Good blood circulation means that there will be good nail growth.
* The simplest is the solid color manicure. It employs the use of mild solid nail colors and basic neutrals.
The most important thing is that you should eat healthy so that the color of your nails doesnโ€™t become yellowish. As long as you maintain a healthy diet with lots of vegetables and fruits
your nails will look beautiful
healthy and will have a pink tinge to it. To make your style statement bolder
you can wear a different color on your finger nails as compared to your toe nails. At the end of the day
coloring your nails is just another way of pampering your self.
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