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My mother always reminded her kids that people judge you by the company you keep. The admonition was meant primarily for my brother who tended to prefer the company of neighborhood rowdies – the kids who ran around with their shirttail hanging out
their knickers not pulled up
their hair uncombed
and used inappropriate language like “gosh” and “gee whiz.” (Yes
I know. But that was back in the Dark Ages.)

She was right – people do judge you by people with whom you associate. But in our contemporary culture
few people are concerned about the judgment of others. However
if you are at midlife
and you want to retain youthful characteristics and vibrant good health
the company you keep is very important for a reason rarely discussed.

And that reason is this: We develop “old” thinking and behaviors from observation and emulation of “old” or “older” people we associate with most frequently. They could be family members
close friends
or co-workers. And let’s not forget the influence of archaic conventional wisdom and consensus thinking. “Oldness” is insidious and viral. You really have to watch what you allow into your head and adopt as your own.

Does someone in your family insist on being catered to not because of an infirmity but because “I’ve done for others all of my life
and now it’s time for others to do for me”? Grandma did it
so you do it
too. We should do for our elders
but not when elders are perfectly capable of caring for themselves. It’s unkind and unwise to encourage dependence. If entitlement or other "old age" behavior causes unhappiness in your family
it can stop with you.

Aside from family life
one of the best places to catch the oldness virus is in retirement communities or any living situation where you are in contact primarily with people your own age.

Retirement communities
for the most part
are beautiful. They are quiet
well maintained and many offer amenities that can keep you going nonstop: Trips
social and sports events
state of the art exercise equipment
theater -- you name it. What more could you want if you are over 50?

What you should want
and must want
if you are determined to Put Old on Hold is regular association with people of ALL ages and circumstances. If you are at midlife (50-55)
and choose to buy into a retirement community
think about the environment you will be in for a very long time.

In a new community that stresses active lifestyles
there will probably be many residents about your age. But what happens as time goes on? Assuming the community remains stable
there probably won’t be too many younger people moving in over the years. You may consider that a bonus
but remember this: Over time
your closest friends and acquaintances will likely be those within the community
especially if your lifestyle becomes more settled. This is something to consider ahead of time.

The life span has increased by 27 years in the past century. Those bonus years represent a long time to live in a situation where predominant topics of conversation
will be about aches
which neighbor is in the hospital or who died last week
and which widower is up for grabs
and what his favorite casserole is. The reality is this: If you are at midlife and you choose to segregate yourself in a seniors-only environment
the “oldness” virus will get you sooner than later.

Young people
as irritating as they often can be
can also be open
understanding and tolerant. For me
one of the joys of working is the opportunity to interact with young people. On more than one occasion
their presence has helped me lighten up on impatience and crankiness. You cannot pay for that kind of therapy!

Exposure to young people is essential if you want to broaden your worldview and stay current with what is happening beyond your world and circle of friends. You may not approve of what you see and hear but it does help you cope with reality – something that older people often have a hard time dealing with.

Deliberately put yourself where younger people are. Take or teach classes at the local community college. Join organizations that do not segregate by age
i.e. seniors-only or boomers-only groups. Volunteer to mentor teens who could benefit from your wisdom and experience.

if you have a choice
choose your friends
associates and living environment carefully as you age. They can and do affect how well you age and the quality of your life.
